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Hydrate & Glow Set

Hydrate & Glow Set

定價 $7,862.00 TWD
定價 售價 $7,862.00 TWD
特價 售罄

  • Literally makes your skin glow and promotes a youthful appearance. 
  • 讓您的皮膚煥發光彩,並促​​進年輕的外觀.
  • Anti-inflammatory to soothe and calm skin
  • 抗炎,舒緩和鎮靜肌膚。
  • Lightens blemishes, decreases pimples and blackheads.
  • 淡化瑕疵,減少粉刺和黑頭。
  • Protects skin from sun and UV damage.
  • 保護皮膚免受陽光和紫外線的傷害。
  • Reduces skin irritation and redness.
  • 減少皮膚刺激和發紅。
  • Sustainable and biodegradable packaging.
  • 可持續且可生物降解的包裝。

Why Buy HYDRATE & GLOW Vitamin A,C,E Set?

為什麼購買水合物和水合物 GLOW 維生素 A、C、E 套裝?
Skin Bliss Moisturiser - The cream will strengthen the skin’s lipid barrier immediately below surface and will restore proper moisture and balance.

Skin Bliss Moisturizer - 此面霜可強化皮膚表面下方的脂質屏障,並恢復適當的水分和平衡.

Nourishing Cleanser - Our 2-in-1 cleanser and face wash delivers maximum purification by removing germs and impurities resulting in a cleaner, calmer and soother skin.

滋養潔面乳 - 我們的二合一潔面乳和洗面乳通過去除細菌和雜質提供最大程度的淨化,從而使皮膚更清潔,更平靜和舒緩.

Radiance Facial Scrub - Our scrub will help to boost your collagen to tighten skin and give you that youthful appearance.

煥採臉部磨砂膏 - 我們的磨砂膏有助於增強您的膠原蛋白,收緊肌膚,讓您看起來年輕.

Glow Face Serum - Will help increase collagen production which is vital to smooth out your complexion and reduce hyper-pigmentation.

煥彩臉部精華 - 有助於增加膠原蛋白的生成,這對於平滑膚色和減少色素沉著至關重要.

Our Ingredients : 我們的成分:

Our Vitamin A, C and E infused collection contains powerful hydrating and rejuvenating benefits. These vitamins are effective antioxidants that are known to boost collagen production, shielding the skin from damaging free radicals, improving elasticity and promoting overall skin health.

我們的維生素 A、C 和 E 系列具有強大的保濕和恢復活力功效. 這些維生素是有效的抗氧化劑,可以促進膠原蛋白的產生,保護皮膚免受自由基的破壞,提高彈性並促進整體皮膚健康.


120ml Nourishing Cleanser

120ml Radiance Facial Scrub

40ml Glow Age-Defying Serum

50ml Skin Bliss Moisturiser


Benefits: 好處:

  • Boost collagen 增強膠原蛋白
  • Anti-ageing 抗衰老
  • Glowing Skin 換發光采的肌膚

Key Ingredients: 主要成分:

  • Vitamins A, C, and E 維生素 A,C 和 E
  • Calendula, Spirulina & Squalane 金盞花,螺旋藻和角鯊烷
  • Aloe Vera Organic Extract, Watermelon Seed Oil 蘆薈有機萃取物,西瓜籽油
  • Marine Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid
  • 海洋膠原蛋白和透明質酸
